Monday, June 19, 2006

"No comment at this time..."

Well. If we weren't before, we are now firmly ensconced in our 50-ton anchor. we're getting ready to go to the store and buy another $120,000 worth of accoutrements to make it feel like "home." Based on a quick market analysis, Heaven is gonna be crazy expensive. In fact, i'm thinking the only ones who'll be able to afford real-estate there will be investors from California. That's a li'l depressing-- i've met so few people from Cali that i can stand to be around. But then, i couldn't afford the property taxes in the Cityfoursquare, let alone the initial down-payment; so it seems i'm safe.

i guess i've been a modicum depressed about being in Nuevo Mexico. It's hot, dry, windy and the people are usually just a little less friendly than Californians and they're way worse drivers ("Push the other pedal... then you'll go forward and not nowhere.") But this whole electronic communication thing is kind'a nice--- it seems like there's fellowship out there even if i can't touch you or look into your not-yet-digitized eyeball. That's encouraging; the analogy of our desert here extends into some planes of life that i'd very much like it to stop extending into.

And then there's the kiddoes. i was playing around with Aeon last night and he gave me the suggestion above regarding how i might shoot his pic. i laughed pretty hard at that. That made me significantly less down and mopey than i generally like to be. Not a bad feeling, laughing. i'm gonna try it again one of these days, just have to get those li'l muscles strong enough. If you haven't tried laughing at something in a non-cynical fashion lately, i'd encourage you to give it a go.


Blogger c said...

well then, i hope you guys've made it safe. give us a shout when you're shoutable, eh.

Friday, 23 June, 2006  
Blogger c said...

HA! Farisee, yeah... It's like this: you kinda turn the corners of yer mouth upward-- maybe even open yer mouth-- and then let out short puffs of air pretty fast while you squint a little. Kinda helps to stand on yer head so you're not working against gravity.

Monday, 26 June, 2006  
Blogger Julie Anne said...

Cody, come back to the blog world! Two weeks is just too long!
(I made that rule, and since I was the first person in this bunch to have a blog, you need to abide by it. :)

Saturday, 01 July, 2006  

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