Mood Ring
Today i am blue.
i am blue from a lack of oxygenated blood.
i lack oxygenated blood because of the cessation of pulmonary circulation (necessary, of course, for oxygen exchange.)
my pulmonary circulation has ceased because my right ventricle has decided to quit pumping.
The right ventricle made such a decision because it has nothing to pump anyway; its atrium isn't feeding it.
That cantankerous ol' atrium, however, isn't feeding its ventricle because the much larger, generally more responsible left ventricle isn't playing its rather important role in venous return.
In turn, the left ventricle is failing at its job for the non-delivery from the left atrium (which, interestingly, it could probably do without anyway if only the right ventricle were doing its job.)
However, neither ventricle nor its respective atrium are functioning today because they have been ripped out of my rib-cage and tossed in a waste basket where they have poor access to the remainder of my vascular system.
Fortunately, experience demonstrates that the silly things grow back; i'll just have a funny cyanotic hue about me 'till then.
It is, after all, a monday.
Guns don't kill people; systemic blood loss with tissue-oxygen desaturation kills people.
i am blue from a lack of oxygenated blood.
i lack oxygenated blood because of the cessation of pulmonary circulation (necessary, of course, for oxygen exchange.)
my pulmonary circulation has ceased because my right ventricle has decided to quit pumping.
The right ventricle made such a decision because it has nothing to pump anyway; its atrium isn't feeding it.
That cantankerous ol' atrium, however, isn't feeding its ventricle because the much larger, generally more responsible left ventricle isn't playing its rather important role in venous return.
In turn, the left ventricle is failing at its job for the non-delivery from the left atrium (which, interestingly, it could probably do without anyway if only the right ventricle were doing its job.)
However, neither ventricle nor its respective atrium are functioning today because they have been ripped out of my rib-cage and tossed in a waste basket where they have poor access to the remainder of my vascular system.
Fortunately, experience demonstrates that the silly things grow back; i'll just have a funny cyanotic hue about me 'till then.
It is, after all, a monday.
Guns don't kill people; systemic blood loss with tissue-oxygen desaturation kills people.