Friday, March 21, 2008

Hard Drive Crash

On wed. at work i had a seizure. Naturally enough, they called an ambulance, so i went to UNMH around 11:30 a.m. we were there 'til about 2:30 a.m. the following morning. At some point during all that, i had a second seizure (owing at least partially to the fact that i sat in triage for over seven hours before anyone saw me.) Anyhow, wed. is a li'l vague for me, as is thurs. But i did get to see a well-oiled rendition of social medicine in action-- in fact, i worked for one. Poetry in motion. Just veeeeery slow poetry.


Blogger Deborah Fantasia said...

Oh wow !
Is everything OK, did they find out the source of the seizures ?

Has that happened before or is this the first time ?

I'll keep you in my prayers.
Happy Easter to you and yours :)


Sunday, 23 March, 2008  
Blogger c said...

Thank you for the prayers. It's not the first time i've had the things. i'm normally a little bit spastic. And i hope you guys had a great Easter too.

Monday, 24 March, 2008  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


Nothing serious I hope. You don't seem bothered by it. What did the doctors say? Let us know.



Thursday, 27 March, 2008  
Blogger c said...

i have an appointment with my neuro on the 31st. There perhaps i'll learn whether my brain tumor is growing, or is staying as it was. It's a li'l disconcerting knowing that i'll likely have a seizure if i leave off my medications for a dose or two, but it is nice to not be dead as a result. For that i've no choice but to be thankful.

Friday, 28 March, 2008  

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