Sunday, February 24, 2008


For as long as i can remember— for as long as i've had any sort of wisdom or understanding (if indeed i have any of that even now) i have vascillated between envying you for your clarity of vision and resenting you for choosing that clarity with its apparently stark, achromatic nature over me, for whatever that might otherwise cost you in straightforwardness. But it is necessary to keep in mind that you don't have to fight for that clarity (as i, for example, would): it comes to you as naturally as the vision it comprises, or it doesn't come at all. And so it's impossible to resent you for the clarity by which you navigate just as it would be impossible to resent you for somehow having accepted the gift of vision—quite without respect to its clarity— in the first place, as though you had anything to do with it. The vision is a gift, and clarity is simply part of the vision; you do not choose to see what you see, and so by extension (one is left supposing) you do not choose how you see what you see.

Or at least i'm led to believe that's the case.


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