Well now, that was enlightening conversation. i'd like to thank everyone who participated. But enough of this political and religious discourse, eh. Turns out i've found the cure for the flu. Now, it's become accepted dogma over the last, say, hundred years or so that there is no "cure" for a virus. That may be; but i've found o'er the last 24 hours that you can surely beat the hell outta 'em. Admittedly, the weapon sounds very much like a "punch bowl" that you'd likely find at the more popular kids' high school parties, but dude: within the flu, "comfortably numb" is a battle won. The most important ingredient is Johnny Walker Red. In fact, i don't remember if any of the other stuff really contributed much in addition. At any rate, it seemed as though a liberal (though carefully timed) application of dextromethorphan, guaifenesin, sundry nasal decongestants/ antihistimines, Tylenol, and 600 mil bullets of ibuprofen contributed to the cause. That last bit is where the timing is important. No good living through the flu if you turn yer liver into silly putty. At any rate, the cough/ sore throat combo had come to such a state that coughing was doing me no good-- i'd give a ginger li'l effort at coughing and then double over fairly confident that i was bleeding out through my gullet. Numb me enough, and i could cough like a man-- practically squeegeed my poor lungs clean. Oh and then i think sleeping for 11+ hours (aided by the Simply Sleep) helped pretty mightily as well. And while the nurses among you might well gasp in horror, you know you'd do the same thing. Now to patent it and push it through the FDA...
I know this is late as I am new at this blogging......just wanted to say sounds very good....and good luck with the FDA
James! Welcome, senor. Never too late for a comment.
Total Lack of Anyone Whatsoever, James Croft... James, The Void. Talk amongst ya'selves.
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