Monday, December 25, 2006


It snowed 'bout 5 inches in town here a few days ago, so i thought i'd give off a happy vibe and post a few pics of of the littl'uns, their (and my) almost-finished playground in our back yard, and some snow. i've never tried to post more than one pic on here at a time, and have no apparent control o'er where they fall, so bear with me. If the fluffy white gives any of you a hankering to go snowboarding, do give me a call. i love an awfully large percentage of you, and pray that mostly-beneficial things fall on your heads. Merry today.


Blogger Deborah Fantasia said...

Oh I am sooo jealous ! I wanted a white Christmas, instead we had about 60 degree weather. Today it's finally getting cold and I even seen a few flurries. No fun now though being Christmas is over.
Now we'll probably get tons of snow and cold weather !

Tuesday, 26 December, 2006  
Blogger c said...

Then may yer snowboard season last all year.

Thursday, 04 January, 2007  
Blogger jw said...

Hey Cody,

Your Christmas was just like mine except that we were at the beach with no snow and a lot less clothes.

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year and all the other yada yada.



Monday, 08 January, 2007  

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