Last night Steph picked up a flick called "One Night With the King." It's a retooling of the story of Esther from the Bible, replete with hypothetical gap-filling; but interestingly, it's also about Xerxes, the Persian emperor. Now, i'm not sure if it's supposed to be the same Xerxes that was the bad guy in "300"-- i don't even have a good guess as to how many Xerxes there were, nor how many of 'em had a strong desire to kill all the Greeks-- but i gotta say it was interesting to switch from a 6'5" pampered gay black Xerxes to sub-6 long-haired white guy warrior-king, who, by contemporary standards was reatively faithful to good ol' Esther, upon having married 'er. Also, the white version didn't really portray the god-king schtick. At any rate, they both struck me as a black and white difference from the way he was portrayed by Nebby K. in the Veggie-Tales version. Also Esther in "ONWtK" wasn't nearly as big a wuss (although a couple of the sappy romance scenes kinda made me throw up in my mouth a li'l) and Mordecai didn't have an "I run a deli in the Bronx" accent. Apparently Jews had a fairly heavy British accent in the Persian empire.
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