Thursday, November 29, 2007


Well. Last night aired the CNN/YouTube debate for the Republican candidates, and while it was really a lot of fun to watch, it was also a bit disheartening. Illegal immigration was by far the most galvanic issue for the candidates, but it was dreadful difficult to comprehend why (although it made me significantly less interested in Huckabee than i might otherwise have been.)

(...Actually, i'm pretty sure it was the oily-smooth, pathos-affected, pulpit-preacheresque style of oration that made me grind my teeth and squint a little whenever Huckabee'd talk...)

The debate convinced me that Thompson is less uninteresting than i'd given him credit for, that Giuliani and Romney are just more demigogues, that McCain is a semi-animated manequin stimulated to talk by what he intuits people in the audience want to hear, and that Senor Paul has been hammering for over twenty years on every issue brought up worth any mention.

Dr. Paul, as usual, got very little attention, although the bits he did get in edgewise were worth more attention than they got. Besides Paul, not one candidate said anything at all about ever bringing the troops home. It was not a topic that they'd even entertain, interestingly-- and it seems that's the case because we're "winning the war." Fantastical!

Let's see: we're going to fund the rebuilding of America's infrastructure, hire more police to stave off crime in our inner-cities, build a fence across the whole of the southern border of the U.S., and beef up our Border Patrol-- all whilst cutting taxes and jettisoning somewhere in the vicinity of a trillion bones a year (of not-yet-existent money) into keeping our military poised everywhere in the world except here. That sounds like a really fine idea. Historically, spreading a nation's resources-- manpower and currency-- as thinly as possible, and on investments that have no possibility of showing a return is what makes a nation solid and morally superior.

In the event that this doesn't ring true, Paul's grassroots folks have organized another "money bomb" fundraiser for Nov. 30 that i'd encourage you to take part in. He may well pass Giuliani in fundraising by this time tomorrow. Whether or not he'll get the Republican nod is something entirely different (he doesn't fit onto a neo-conservative stage of interlocutors at all), but it'll definitely make those silly Repubs listen. And for my part, it'll be worth the hundred little dollars to say i voted for what i believe in.

Sunday, November 25, 2007

Prime You

i thought i'd throw up a link to the dates/kinds of primary your state will have, just in case you're as lazy and/or ignorant of the political process as i. Click on your state, and it'll pull up the date of your primary/ caucus, as well as the registration deadline to vote in it (if party affiliation is necessary). Here, for example, we have to be registered as Republican to vote for Ron Paul in the primaries (so i'm having to realign m'self). Obviously, in the main event you can vote for whomever you will, but in most states you have to be registered as either Repub or Dem to vote in that party's primary. The primary is where your vote'll be most important for Dr. Paul-- he can't get the presidency if he ain't the candidate. So make sure you're registered and make sure you go vote. Even better, tell everyone you know to go with you, and bug them 'till they do.

Sunday, November 11, 2007

A Watch

If you haven't seen "Miss Potter," then i'll recommend it to you. (Crud, i'd recommend it if you have seen it.) It left me noticeably less nauseous and/or full of rage than most of the recent fare we've had the misfortune/bad judgement of having inflicted on us. Plus, i understand that a hefty percentage of you, my legion readership, dig the stories of Peter Rabbit, et al., and might, by extension, find yourselves interested in the lady and times behind them. Very genteel, they. Gave me a very fine idea for styling my sideburns. Plus it had Obi Wan and Bridget Jones in it.

Monday, November 05, 2007

He's even a Pro-Lifer

i'm gonna go ahead and post a link to Ron Paul's site. This is the first candidate yet that i've actually liked. Doesn't like taxes, big government, or policing the world, and he's friendly to homeschoolers to boot. Sounds like a Libertarian to me. i don't have any money, but i think i'll go ahead and donate some just so i can say i did. (Or at least buy a bumper sticker). May the fascists be beaten.