He's even a Pro-Lifer
i'm gonna go ahead and post a link to Ron Paul's site. This is the first candidate yet that i've actually liked. Doesn't like taxes, big government, or policing the world, and he's friendly to homeschoolers to boot. Sounds like a Libertarian to me. i don't have any money, but i think i'll go ahead and donate some just so i can say i did. (Or at least buy a bumper sticker). May the fascists be beaten.
Hi Cody,
I just figured out how to register with Google. Sherryl and I are also supporters of Dr No. He makes a lot of sense to us.
Hey mate,
i got your comment in my email box, and i tried to reply to you by email, which wouldn't very well work. Anyhow, it's very good to hear from you. And it's good to hear you're behind Dr. Paul. Your primary is on March 4, so GO VOTE there or it's Giulliani and Hillary for you. Bleh.
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