Monday, July 24, 2006

Bit o' bragging on mi hija

Having apparently exhausted all your wild imagery of Heaven, i'll-- for the sake of the faster-moving brooks among you-- move on to lighter fare. Our wee family has taken up knife-throwing for a hobby. The above pic is of Annie with her first stick. She was pretty proud of that. Let this be a warning to all you 2 through 6 year old boys out there: she'll only be more accurate in 10 years; as will i. For the non-2 through-6-year-olds out there, you're still encouraged to post on Heaven. Right, then.


Blogger Julie Anne said...

Your post on heaven definitely got my gears turning and gave me some good food for thought for a few days, but those thoughts just didn't make it to the keyboard.

What a big girl! I also heard her Colorado fish story!

Tuesday, 25 July, 2006  
Blogger jw said...

Luckily, Danen is 1.75 years old. So he is outside the "watchout" category. The good news is, he can comment on the heaven post if he wants.

In the future, he may be into a girl who can fish and chuck knives.

For now, the only girl he digs is mama. But he'll catch on soon.

Tuesday, 25 July, 2006  
Blogger c said...

Ha, yeah! What with those repubs in office, you might get the marines called in on 'em.

Wednesday, 26 July, 2006  
Blogger c said...

Master John, you are a ninja. You gotta have a 2nd 're 3rd associate's degree "african-american" belt in ninjese.

And JW, Danen is welcome to post on Heaven. i 'spect he's got more shares in Kingdom holdings than i. i'm always open to getting schooled.

Funny thing 'bout Annie is she's the quintessential girly-girl. She's all into baby-dolls and pink fluffy ...crud..and frilly... things; she just doesn't know that doing cool stuff isn't girly yet. It's all a big trick.

Thursday, 27 July, 2006  

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