Monday, December 25, 2006


It snowed 'bout 5 inches in town here a few days ago, so i thought i'd give off a happy vibe and post a few pics of of the littl'uns, their (and my) almost-finished playground in our back yard, and some snow. i've never tried to post more than one pic on here at a time, and have no apparent control o'er where they fall, so bear with me. If the fluffy white gives any of you a hankering to go snowboarding, do give me a call. i love an awfully large percentage of you, and pray that mostly-beneficial things fall on your heads. Merry today.

Friday, December 22, 2006

A bone (to choke on)

[i took this off the end of the last post because i am dull and compulsive, but it leaves out the most important bit: the point. i've already been taken in a way i didn't fully intend, and understandably so. Let me say for the record that if i'm going to aim my gun at someone, it will be me. "Aiming" is not my goal; it is in fact something i've never been very good at ;) Rather, i'm going through a period of cynicism and self-loathing that wants to eat me whole, and i'm looking for some perspective. i'm looking for the church. --ed.]

i just can't help but think that maybe 'the church' is comprised of those whom Jesus called "friends" (of which i am certainly one because i'm so dang important). And lately i'm driven to despair at how poor a friend i've been to others, at how few people i've been willing to lay it down for. i'd like to say that i'm humbled and grateful to those of you who have given some blood for me; and i invite your rebuke and correction on behalf of those i've failed. If we're a sorry lot, i'm afraid i'm the sorriest of all. And i'm not very hopeful that my tricky defense will work with God.

A bone (to pick)

It occurs to me on a fairly regular basis that many christians are so occupied with being the church that they never really manage to be anyone's friend. It's interesting that such a thing is possible to justify, that such a state is possible to come to. To be sure, it seems like Jesus had an agenda in building His church ("...and on this rock I will build my church," 'The Great Commission,' etc.) But He says elsewhere that no one has a greater love than that he lay down his life for his friends. He says that the greatest command-- the greatest command-- is to love the Lord your God with everything you have. Then John says that the one who does not love does not know God because God is love, and that someone who doesn't love his brother whom he has seen couldn't possibly love God whom he hasn't seen. If you patch all that together (and there are plenty of other passages to prop it up with if you care to look 'em up--including, but still not limited to, the second greatest command) you're left with the following conditional: if you want to be obedient to God (i.e., be a lover of God) then you have to love other people, and if you want to seriously love other people, then you have to lay your life down for them. So by inference, if you want to be obedient to God you must lay down your life your friends.

That, of course, is terribly inconvenient, and a loophole's gotta be found-- else you've got Christendom running about pell mell, tripping all over itself trying to love just everyone; and how's a movement going to get anywhere like that? The trick to getting a more favorable outcome, just as in any formula, is to manipulate a variable. In this case, "discipleship" (obedience requiring love) and "love" (laying down one's life) are fairly tightly defined. So the malleable term is "friend."

If we want a convenient relationship with God then, we just make friendship a matter of convenience. Someone get on the nerves? Then how could he be a friend? Someone step on your ego? Surely no friend would do that. Don't want to "get in the arena," or "step into the ring"? Just find a way to make that erstwhile recipient of your life responsible for not being worthwhile-- a swine before whom you'd otherwise be tossing your pearls. Easy as pie.

Now i can go through life without the hardship, rollin', swangin', patrollin', going to church, chucking handfuls of change at homeless people, making the money, lovin' on the missus, singing carols to the house-bound, getting my ducks in a Euclidean row-- all with the intent of standing before God on That Day and saying, "i went through life willing to lay it down for my friend; i just never managed to run across one."

"And i'd like it, moreover, to be left out of this hearing as circumstantial evidence that Jesus maintained a marginally looser definition of 'friend' than i have."

Monday, December 11, 2006


Steph and i have now been married for seven years and several hours. Rather than spending the evening with her, i've opted for paltry silver. Rather than actually living life, i'm sitting at work reflecting on it. So in lieu of hanging with my dear Stephanie on our 2,555th day of being legal, i compose a poem: a haiku for you. Thank you for putting up with me my dearest lady. i love you.

Seventh tide
And yet you remain here:
Eternalwinter's warm Sunbeam

Monday, December 04, 2006


[i heard this song tonight and it made me shiver, so i made a point to hear it several more times and wrote the lyrics down. Gonna hafta pick this disk up. Do believe i could become a Cash fan --ed.]

I hurt myself today
To see if i still feel.
I focussed on the pain:
The only thing that's real.
The needle tears a hole--
The old familiar sting.
Try to kill it all away,
But I remember everything.


What have i become,
My sweetest friend?
Everyone I know goes away in the end.
And you could have it all:
My empire of dirt.
I will let you down;
I will make you hurt.

I wear this crown of thorns
Upon my Liar's Chair--
Full of broken thoughts
I cannot repair.
Beneath the stains of time
The feelings disappear.
You are someone else;
I am still right here.


What have i become,
My sweetest friend?
Everyone I know goes away in the end.
And you could have it all:
My empire of dirt.
I will let you down;
I will make you hurt.

If I could start again
A million miles away
I would keep myself.
I would find a way.