Tuesday, February 13, 2007

Prayer request

Tough crowd... guess there're no Tolstoy fans out there. (Or else no people-- i've given that a little thought too.)

Anyhow, to spite my tenebrous soul, and even though i'm always blue, Steph and i have decided that i should go back to school full time to complete the prerequisites i lack to apply to med school. So if all goes smoothly i could be a doctor when i turn 40, give or take. That probably won't come as a huge surprise to those of you who've endured me for any time at all, except that i've actually decided to do something with a goal at the end of it. i would appreciate your prayers, cuz it'll be a long row to hoe and i have a predilection for (lessee) taking the long way home. Also i'm gonna try my hand at being more upbeat, flattering, and generally sappy so i'm not such a burden on the opinionated anonymous among you.

Grace 'n' Peace.


Blogger Deborah Fantasia said...

Wow, that's awesome Cody ! You must be very smart because I could never do medical school.
There's a very high demand for nurses and Doctors, that's a good field to get into - a lot of security !
As for your "opinionated anoymous" I say don't change who you are just because of what someone says.
Who cares what people say (that's my motto:) he/she just obviously has a lot time on their hands, no life and a lot of anger.

Wednesday, 14 February, 2007  
Blogger c said...

"...he smiled joyously: not because there was anything particularly agreeable in his mind-- the joyous smile was evoked by a good digestion."

Wednesday, 14 February, 2007  
Blogger c said...

Thanks for the well-wishing, Deborah. Smart i am not; tedious, however, i am. i've heard it theorized that if you stick 10,000 monkeys in front of 10,000 typewriters for 10,000 years, you'll eventually get a full script from a Shakespeare play. i'm not at all sure that's true (maybe it's a million monkeys...) but i'm counting on it as a principle: if you stick a cody on the road to med school for ten-thousand years, eventually you'll have a doctor.

As for the anonymous personage, i didn't get the impression it was being mean-spirited or even particularly lifeless; i just have fun blowing stuff outta proportion. (So come back, do, li'l anonymous, anonymous, anonymous, and you can be my fifth faithful reader... you can be my bodyguard, and i will be yer long lost pal...)


Wednesday, 14 February, 2007  
Blogger Deborah Fantasia said...

Oh OK, gotcha :) LOL

Wednesday, 14 February, 2007  
Blogger jw said...

Happy Valentine's Day, Doc.

Wednesday, 14 February, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

As the good book say, "What'er you do, do wit' all ya might...as to the Lord."

Wednesday, 14 February, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Does this mean that you will be moving to Dallas? We have Med Schools.

I want to prayer the Levitical blessing over you - "The Lord bless you, the Lord keep you, the Lord make his face to shine on you and give you peace"



Thursday, 15 February, 2007  
Blogger jw said...

Wait a minute! Don't they have Pepsi/Frito-Lay where Cody lives?

Thursday, 15 February, 2007  
Blogger c said...

And a big amen (AMEN) to, um, jason. For, unlike Dallas, we have a big mountain blocking our view of the east. we just got finished watching "Malcolm X" a few minutes ago, and now i think maybe i could live in harmony with someone of the afro persuasion. (Afterward i shouted "i am Malcolm X!" with a bunch of kids and then got schooled by Nelson Mandela.)

Thank you for your prayer, Sean. It's a blessing to have you as a brother. Your prayers are worth more to me than i can let you know about without getting all blubbery and losing my cynical, jaded schtick.

Friday, 16 February, 2007  
Blogger c said...


You know you were just looking for an excuse to use the A-word.

[condescending silence]

Now, if jw went an' hucked hisself off'n a cliff, would that make it ok for you to do likewise?!
Mmhm. Mmmhm. My, my. That ol' lion'd lead even the elect astray if'n that was possible. Yessiree.

But i sho' do appreciate the vote o' confidence, unclean references to boo-tay, notwithstanding.

May a peaceful friday fall on Clan T.

Friday, 16 February, 2007  

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