Sunday, March 04, 2007


An adage occured to me after work this morning. Once there was a farmer who had some sort of four-legged beast which fell into a well. Maybe it was a cow. Never mind that a cow wouldn't really fit into a well. A cow fell into this farmer's well. The farmer, naturally, couldn't get the cow outta the well seeing as the cow was too big to have realistically fit into the well in the first place. Maybe it was a donkey. Doesn't matter. At any rate, the farmer mourned the loss of the cow, or donkey, or maybe sheep, but decided that rather than shoot it, the humane thing to do would be to bury it. So the farmer shovelled dirt on the creature. And shovelled. And shovelled. And shovelled. Unbeknownst to the daft farmer, however, each time he hucked dirt on the cow, or whatever, it just shook it off, trampled it down, and cleverly found itself millimeters higher than it was theretofore. The farmer and the cow continued their respective efforts until-- Lo and behold-- the cow [maybe i'll be p.c. and cycle through the candidates] the donkey was free. What struck me as funny was that the moral of the story came from the sheep's p.o.v. ---something to the effect that if life finds you in a hole and starts shovelling dirt on you, keep stamping. That's just idiotic. Why not if you've shovelled 15 cubic yards of dirt and you still haven't covered the [what're we at now?] cow, maybe you should consider renting a backhoe.


Blogger jw said...

toooo funny.

Sunday, 04 March, 2007  
Blogger jw said...

And the moral of this story is:

"When your master is too cheap to construct a wellcover or to buy indoor plumbing and you fall in the well and he doesn't want to rescue you or pay workman's comp and then in an effort to "cover" for previous mistakes begins to bury you then...shake and stamp. You'll eventually come out on top."

Sunday, 04 March, 2007  
Blogger jw said...

There once was a man who dug a well;
From whence came water and the scents of Hell.
And beside the well lay a mountain and vale,
From the earth removed from that man's well.
The animals of his would stand at the brink,
And smell the scents and long for a drink...

[someone else add a line or two]

Sunday, 04 March, 2007  
Blogger c said...

So their sense of scents
Clearly ain't too swell
To long for a drink
With a scent of Hell.

(How' dat?)

Monday, 05 March, 2007  

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